ID CP2139648
Teren intravilan de vanzare, 1137 mp in Nojorid, Bihor
ID CP2139648
32,900 €
Agenţia imobiliară CA Imob bills va oferă spre vânzare doua parcele teren intravilan in suprafata de 1.137 mp, fiecare, situat in Nojorid, Bihor.
Parcelele sunt situate într-o zona liniştită de case in plina dezvoltare.
Accesul de la E 79 spre teren se face pe strada asfaltata si o portiune pietruita.
Parcela are front stradal 14,60 ml, curent electric, apa de la retea, canalizare ca si utilitati.
Preţul de vânzare pentru o parcela din Nojorid este de 32.900 euro.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0759117055 - Claudia Gug
The real estate agency CA Imob bills will offer for sale two plots of urban land with an area of 1,137 square meters, each located in Nojorid, Bihor.
The plots are located in a quiet area of houses in full development.
Access from E 79 to the land is on the paved road and a paved section.
The plot has a street frontage of 14.60 ml, electricity, mains water, sewerage and utilities.
The sale price for a plot in Nojorid is 32.900 euros.
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact:
No. Tel.: 0759117055 - Claudia Gug