ID CP2192280
Spatiu comercial de inchiriat ultracentral Oradea
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ID CP2192280
500 €
Agentia imobiliara Ca Imob bills va ofera spre inchiriere un spatiu comercial situat ultracentral in Oradea.
Spatiul comercial se afla la demisolul unei cladiri istorice si masoara o suprafata utila de 80 mp.
Se compune dintr-un hol generos, 3 incaperi si un grup sanitar.
Imobilul a fost renovata in totalitate si este dotata cu gresie si faianta in baie, parchet laminat, ferestre cu geam termopan, usile de interior din lemn masiv si usa din PVC la intrare.
Este racordat la retelele de apa, canalizare si electricitate iar incalzirea acestui spatiu se realizeaza prin sistemul de termoficare al orasului.
Imobilul se inchiriaza nemobilat.
In apropierea imobilului se afla Piata Unirii, scoli, gradinite, parcuri, zona pietonala, restaurante, cafenele si multiple obiective turistice.
Pretul pentru acest spatiu comercial de inchiriat este de 500 euro/luna.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0792 828 785 – Ratiu Gabriel
The real estate agency Ca Imob bills offers for rent a commercial space located ultra-centrally in Oradea.
The commercial space is located on the ground floor of a historic building and measures a usable area of 80 square meters.
It consists of a generous hall, 3 rooms and a bathroom.
The building has been completely renovated and is equipped with tiles and floor tiles in the bathroom, laminate flooring, double-glazed windows, solid wood interior doors and a PVC door at the entrance.
It is connected to the water, sewage and electricity networks and the heating of this space is done through the city's heating system.
The building is rented unfurnished.
Near the building is Unirii Square, schools, kindergartens, parks, pedestrian zone, restaurants, cafes and multiple tourist attractions.
The price for this commercial space for rent is 500 euros/month.
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
No. Tel.: 0792 828 785 – Ratiu Gabriel