ID CP2139599
Casa cu 4 camere de vanzare in Paleu, Bihor
ID CP2139599
135,000 €
Agentia imobiliara CA Imob bills va ofera spre vanzare o casa cu 4 camere in Paleu, Bihor
Imobilul este contruit pe o suprafta de 600 mp teren fiind finalizat in anul 2024 urmand sa fie finalizat si gardul ce imprejmuieste proprietatea.
Dispune de urmatoarele utilitati: curent si gaz. Canalizarea si apa urmeaza sa fie racordate.
Locuinta masoara o suprafata utila de 103 mp si se compune din: hol de acces, living open space cu bucataria, 3 dormitoare, 2 bai si o terasa acoperita de 15 mp
Dispune de locuri de parcare si in fata casei si in curte.
Pretul pentru aceasta casa de vanzare din Paleu este de 135.000 euro
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0759117055 - Claudia Gug
CA Imob bills real estate agency offers for sale a house with 4 rooms in Paleu, Bihor
The building is built on an area of 600 square meters of land and will be completed in 2024, and the fence surrounding the property will also be completed.
It has the following utilities: electricity and gas. Sewerage and water are to be connected.
The house measures a usable area of 103 sqm and consists of: entrance hall, open space living room with kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a covered terrace of 15 sqm
It has parking spaces both in front of the house and in the yard.
The price for this house for sale in Paleu is 135,000 euro
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
No. Tel.: 0759117055 - Claudia Gug
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