ID CP2274673
Apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in zona Rogerius, Oradea
ID CP2274673
360 €
Agenția imobiliara CA Imob bills va oferă spre inchiriere un apartament cu 2 camere in zona Rogerius, Oradea.
Apartametul de tip PB este decomandat si amplasat la etajul 1/4 al unui bloc.
Masoara o suprafata utila de 51 mp si se compune din hol de acces, bucatarie, baie cu cabina de dus, living si dormitor.
Locuinta este dotata cu ferestre din PVC si geamuri termopan, rulouri exterioare, parchet laminat, faianta, usi de interior din MDF si usa de siguranta la intrare.
Imobilul se inchiriaza mobilat si utilat, dotat cu aragaz si hota, combina frigorifica, cuptor electric, cuptor cu microunde, masina de spalat haine, masina de spalat vase, TV si AC.
Incalzirea apartamentului se realizeaza prin calorifere de otel si este oferit de sistemul de termoficare al orasului.
In apropiere se gasesc scoli, gradinite, supermaketuri, Piata Rogerius, Parcul Magnoliei, Spitalul Pelican, Oraselul Copiilor, Beer House, Ciresica, mijoloace de transport in comun.
Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in zona Rogerius este de 360 euro/luna.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
The real estate agency CA Imob bills offers you a 2-room apartment for rent in the Rogerius area, Oradea.
The PB type apartment is detached and located on the 1/4th floor of a block of flats.
It measures a usable area of 51 sq m and consists of an entrance hall, kitchen, bathroom with shower, living room and bedroom.
The home is equipped with PVC windows and double glazing, exterior roller shutters, laminate flooring, tiles, MDF interior doors and a security door at the entrance.
The property is rented furnished and equipped, equipped with a stove and hood, refrigerator, electric oven, microwave oven, washing machine, dishwasher, TV and AC.
The apartment is heated by steel radiators and is provided by the city's district heating system.
Nearby there are schools, kindergartens, supermarkets, Rogerius Market, Magnolia Park, Pelican Hospital, Children's Town, Beer House, Ciresica, public transportation.
The price for this 2-room apartment for rent in the Rogerius area is 360 euros/month.
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: